New Preamble Project


WE, THE MANY PEOPLES of the United States of America, joining together as citizens & communities, in order to…

  1. Create a more coherent & harmonious society, diverse yet unified;
  2. Strengthen our communities, and help them become more resilient;
  3. Clearly define the rights, responsibilities, and benefits of citizenship;
  4. Respect & defend the human rights of all people;
  5. Protect & defend ourselves and all those under our care from harm;
  6. Promote the cause of Peace at home & abroad;
  7. Explore, manage, utilize, & preserve our natural, social, & financial resources wisely, sustainably, & for the benefit of all;
  8. Establish & maintain a fair, impartial, & equitable system of Justice;
  9. Facilitate honest commerce, & protect the interests of workers & consumers;
  10. Ensure that all citizens have fair & effective representation in government, & a voice in decisions that affect them, whatever their social or economic status;
  11. Preserve & acknowledge our history, both good & ill;
  12. Live up to our greatest common values, & constantly strive to become a better nation;
  13. Fulfill our moral & legal responsibilities as a member of the worldwide Community of Nations;
  14. And promote the general well-being of our citizens, including their physical, mental, & emotional health & development,

…do hereby ordain & establish this renewed Constitution for the United States of America.

(V 2.01, April 2023)


Happy Merries, everyone!

I would guess that you’re already familiar with the tale of the “Christmas Truce,” right? (If not, stop what you’re doing right now, go to YouTube, and listen to John McCutcheon’s wonderful rendition of the story, “Christmas in the Trenches.”) Once upon a time, it seems, across the battlefields of World War I, various groups of German and Allied troops stopped trying to kill each other and celebrated Christmas together instead. It’s an extraordinary story – and I didn’t even hear about it, as I recall, until I was well into college. (I wonder why that was?)

The Christmas Truce story can convey a certain amount of hope to us in this war-weary world, but we should remember these incidents rested upon certain cultural elements that both sides had in common – things like soccer balls… carols… Christianity. It might be a little harder to imagine this kind of moment happening in Korea, say, or Vietnam, or Iraq. But even in more foreign places, awareness of our shared humanity might still overcome ideology and propaganda.

At least, one hopes.

This is a paradox that stabs me in the heart these days. Our networked, interconnected, increasingly mutually dependent world ought not to be moving, as it seems to be intent on doing, towards greater and more widespread conflict, both here and abroad. With access to more and more information about other cultures, and increased ease of communication across borders, we should be understanding each other more deeply, not succumbing to simplistic nationalisms and outdated stereotypes. We should be growing more democratic and inclusive, not more authoritarian and repressive.

We should be growing more peaceful, not more belligerent.

It seems to me that these negative trends are being imposed on us. Like the soldiers in the trenches, we are presented with situations where our options seem severely limited, in miserable conditions, but with nowhere to go but into the line of fire. But like the soldiers in the trenches, we have the opportunity provided by proximity to reach out across the No Man’s Land. The chances are very good that the folks that we are supposed to fight are just as tired of the situation as we are. They want the same things, after all – to raise their families, do their jobs, live their lives…

The commanders and generals, though – and the rulers for whom they work – are not very keen on that kind of thinking. It seems to be in their best interest to keep the fires stoked and the hatred flowing – even at Christmastime. Take, for example, this little bit of text that just showed up in my Facebook feed (excuse the caps-locked shouting, please, but this is a direct quote):


Have you ever heard of such folks, people who “WANT TO TAKE CHRIST OUT OF CHRISTMAS”? I don’t think I’ve ever met one, or seen one, myself – though I have heard them mentioned on right-wing media quite a bit.

So here we sit, seemingly stuck in our trenches. But keep your eyes and ears open, ready for the opportunity… maybe we’ll find some song to sing that we all know… and maybe we can find some other games to play instead.

A different kind of virus alert

Beware, folks!

There’s another dangerous virus going around – but this one isn’t biological, it’s PSYCHOLOGICAL.

It affects how we think, and how we communicate – what we say, and how we interpret what others say to us. People infected with this “mental virus” might say or do cruel or unkind things without intending to – indeed, without even thinking about it. It can make us more suspicious of others, angrier, less patient, more prone to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation. It can confuse us, befuddle our logic, and make us believe things that we know are ridiculous. It can destroy relationships, disrupt families, and turn well-functioning workplaces into hellholes. Even houses of worship are not immune from its pernicious effects.

Eventually, unless it’s recognized and treated, it can – and will – kill.

It’s not just transmitted face-to-face. Mass media, social media, even simple phone conversations can serve as vectors. Masks don’t prevent its spread. Neither does social distancing. No vaccine or OTC medication can halt the progression or severity of its symptoms. Fortunately, there are time-tested countermeasures that are available to everyone – including thoughtfulnesss, kindness, consideration, compassion, and patience – and we know they can work, but only if they are used.

This virus goes by many names. Humanity has had to fight it almost constantly in one form or another since civilization began, and we may never be rid of it completely.

But you can help stop it.

Prayer of Last Things

May my last act be an act of kindness.
May my last breath be a song.
May my last words be words of comfort.
May my last thought be of gratitude.
May my last dream be of peace.
May my last gesture be of love.


There’s a lot of kerfuffle regarding the Supreme Court these days. Liberals, sill chafing under the Republican shenanigans that denied Merrick Garland’s nomination a fair hearing, are talking about increasing the size of the Court. Republicans, who seem to still be pissed about what happened to Robert Bork, for crying out loud, call such a move “Court-packing” and threaten fire consequences if the attempt moves forward.

It’s all just a tug-o-war- or maybe rugby is a better analogy.

I have a suggestion to get us out of this mess.

Let’s balance the Court.

The number doesn’t matter as much as the idea of balance. Say we keep the Court at nine. Then we should specify that 3 seats should be held by conservatives, 3 by liberals, 3 by centrists.

How do we know? Independent organizations like the American Bar Association issue ratings of all judges.


A few years ago, a certain couple I know got divorced.

This isn’t big news, of course. Divorce is still fairly common in America, though the rate has been dropping in recent years (about 40% of marriages fail, according to one statistic I found). Among divorces, about 30% are uncontested, 70% contested, and my friends fell into the former category. The details aren’t important, but basically after nearly thirty years together they had realized that they were no longer compatible… something their friends had seen long before they did. They had grown in different ways, developed different interests and points of view. They tried couples therapy, but finally, after their children had grown and left home, they just simply decided to end it. Amicably, as the saying goes. There were no tearful courtroom confrontations, no protracted negotiations over property or custody. The lawyers drew up the forms, they signed them, and that was that.

No big deal.

So I am writing these words the day after the Supreme Court refused to hear the lawsuit brought by the state of Texas against Pennsylvania and three other states, trying to undo the results of the 2020 Presidential election. This ruling seems to be the end of Donald Trump’s legal battle to stay in office, and Texas Republican Chairman Allen West (you might remember him, he ran for President once himself) had a few choice words in response:

“…This decision will have far-reaching ramifications for the future of our constitutional republic. Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.”

In other words: he’s thinking about a divorce.

He’s not the only one. Mortally ill conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh (who, by the way, has personally done more than just about anybody else to bring us to the present divisive state of affairs), said this recently: “It can’t go on this way… There cannot be a peaceful coexistence of two completely different theories of life, theories of government, theories of how we manage our affairs. We can’t be in this dire a conflict without something giving somewhere along the way… I think we’re trending towards secession.”

“Secession,” of course, is what a divorce among a federation of states is called. We tried it once before, more than 150 years ago, and as you may recall it didn’t go very well. Now it would be even harder, because our differences are not easily demarcated by state borders. Red states include blue enclaves, and vice versa – and to tell the truth, most of the nation is composed of various well-mixed shades of purple. Absent some kind of “ideological cleansing” or “Big Sort,” whereby we voluntarily or involuntarily separate ourselves, we’re going to be stuck with each other for the foreseeable future.

So what should we do?

A successful marriage depends on a number of factors – such as mutual respect, and the ability to communicate – especially a willingness to listen to each other. Shared sets of goals and interests are important, but it’s also important that each individual have a certain amount of personal autonomy. And as many elderly couples will tell you, the ability to disagree and argue productively is also critical. Unfortunately, these qualities and abilities have been systematically and deliberately undermined in our political life, by folks who have learned how to leverage conflict and division to increase their own political and financial power.

Overcoming that  – creating a “more perfect Union,” as the Founders would say – will require hard and sometimes uncomfortable internal work. But first we have to ask ourselves if we even want it.

The Peace and Justice Files: The Cruelty Was The Point

On the screen, her eyes were full of tears.

I‘ve written before in this space about my German fiancée Jasmine – and about our ongoing efforts to get her back in the USA so we can get married. We‘ve been separated since March – separated not just by an ocean  and six time zones, but by the pandemic, benighted government policies, bureaucratic recalcitrance, and (so far) an unresponsive judiciary. We‘ve sued, petitioned, called, emailed, texted, written… all in vain.

It’s frustrating. And the emotional toll is heavy. We talk every night over the Internet, trying to balance dreams of front porches and rocking chairs with the seemingly endless reality of waiting. In the Facebook Groups for the couples in our particular lawsuit (Milligan et al. v. Pompeo, if you follow such things) and others in similar situations, every few days we hear of another couple who couldn’t take the strain anymore and called it quits.

So here was another morning, alternating between trying to be a comforter and trying to feel comforted… wanting to hold her in my arms and reassure her, but knowing that there was only so much I could do.

But I‘m not talking about this just to garner sympathy for us (though believe me, we do appreciate the messages of support we‘ve received). I‘m talking about this because it‘s just one more example of how the policies of the Trump Regime have had real-life consequences, on real-life people, with stories that fall way below the radar of the media.

The last four years have brought a lot of unnecessary pain to many, many people – not just us, but other potential immigrants, separated families, detainees, deportees, thousands of lives thrown into uncertain limbo – hopes dashed, plans delayed, dreams deferred.

And that‘s just talking about immigration. Add the pain of those affected by the Trump Regime’s malfeasance during the pandemic… or the results of this summer’s militarization of the police during the Black Lives Matters protests… or the dangers posed by the deliberate denial of climate change… or any of a dozen other issues.

“Abuse of power,” said epigrammatist Jenny Holzer, “comes as no surprise.” Members of the Trump Regime abused their power, and have abused our citizens, our systems, and our values… because they could. Because they wanted to.

Because no one stopped them.

There’s been a common theme here, running throughout Trump’s reign. Adam Serwer, a writer for The Atlantic, pinned it down succinctly in an article title two years ago: (

“The Cruelty is the Point.”

From the talk of “safe spaces” and “snowflakes” to the T-shirts that said, “F*ck Your Feelings,” Trump’s supporters have been encouraged to belittle and disregard the pain of others… indeed, to wallow and delight in it instead. And hey, it’s fun, right? Just a little harmless joke, right? Don’t take things so seriously!

But such things can get very serious, very quickly, as my sweetheart and her fellow Germans know all too well.

Of course, now, after the election, things seem to have changed. And predictably, there will be calls for “reconciliation“ and “forgiveness,” as there were after the Bush Regime. Between us as individual citizens, that’s one thing. I encourage the mending of the social fabric. But the folks behind these abuses… that is another matter altogether. 

There is justice to be served.

What Finally Happened

As the Aeroflot jet passed into international airspace, Donald Trump realized that he had been holding his breath. There had been no air pursuit, no warning shots, no flybys.

He was free. Finally, finally free.

The people around him – his family, a few aides, the Russian Ambassador – were cheering. Backslaps, laughter, and high-fives mixed with the sound of champagne corks popping.

“You did it, darling,” said Ivanka, kissing him on the cheek. “Congratulations.”

“Like no one could have ever imagined!” said another voice behind them. They turned, to see the grinning visage of Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin looking down at them over the seat tops.

“Good morning, Vlad,” said Trump. “I didn’t expect to see you here on the plane.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t want to miss the moment of your greatest triumph, my friend,” said the Russian. “Ivanka, dear – would you mind if I sat with your father for a few minutes? Lyudmila requests the pleasure of your company in the aft cabin…?” Wordlessly, she nodded, and undid her seat belt.

“Well, Donald,” said Putin, as he settled into the seat, “how does it feel to have stolen a country?”

“Damn good,” said Donald. “Pretty damn good. Better than Stormy’s -“

“Ah, yes,” said Putin. “You have such a way with words, Donald. Such a way with words… You will pleased to know that, as expected, the streets of Washington DC are filled with chaos, as everyone tries to figure out which side is which. Your – what did you call them, “Proud Boys”? – have broken into the Capitol and set it aflame. The nation is waking to the news of your surrender, and your disappearance. Mr. Pence is even now on top of the Washington Monument, attempting to persuade the Almighty to smite his enemies. As per the surrender agreement, the Chinese forces – I’m sorry, ‘peacekeepers’ – will be landing in California soon… greetings from the Secretary, by the way; he sends his best wishes.”

“Yeah, tell him I said ‘Hi.'”

“Of course. The stock market has crashed, and the American dollar is nearly worthless – so it was very painless to have your debts marked ‘paid’… not that anyone is about to send collection agents after you!”

The two men shared a hearty laugh. Trump realized it had been a while since he had laughed. Quite a while.

“So,” said Putin, slapping the former President on the knee, “you must be very tired. I don’t believe you’ve been able to sleep, for what, forty-eight hours now?”

“Fifty-two,” said Trump. It occurred to him that in all the chaos, he may have forgotten some of his meds.

“Of course,” said Putin. He gestured to someone standing in the aisle a few meters away. Within moments, a well-dressed flight attendant – Trump noted with pleasure the way the woman’s uniform presented her decolletage – appeared with a mug and a small carafe.

“Here,” said Putin, “have some tea. My favorite blend. It will… relax you.”

A few minutes later, the doctor confirmed that there was no pulse.

“Чертов предатель идиот,” said Putin. He regarded the surprised expression on the dead man’s face. “Get him out of here. Get them all out of here.”

The plane flew low, very low, over the Greenland tundra. Like a bird relieving itself in flight, it released a series of dark bundles from its tail end, tumbling end-over-end to the not-so-frigid waters below.


“Let’s face it,” I wrote in this space back in January 2006, “every once in a while, an entire country can go, well, crazy.”

At the time, I was counting my blessings that some kind of post-9/11 psychosis – “a kind of deeply rooted, widespread mental malfunction that would manifest itself on the street level, in the eyes and actions of all citizens, resulting in witch hunts, pogroms, and lynchings” – had not yet taken over the mind of the American body politic. “There are no Neighborhood Committees on the Present Danger checking up on everyone and maintaining ideological purity,” I noted with relief – “no squadrons of brownshirts marching through town, no mysterious disappearances of dissidents in the middle of the night.”

Now, almost 15 years later, I think it may be time to reassess my optimism.

The recent fatal clashes in places like Kenosha, Wisconsin and Portland, Oregon, have upped the ante. 

Demonstrators protesting racism and police violence have been attacked by right-wing gangs, including pseudo-militias like the “Proud Boys,” and some have begun to respond in kind. Donald Trump has seized the opportunity to smash the glass “Emergency Only” case holding the fasces, and with dubious authorization sent “federal officers” into hotspots to maintain (as his favorite Twitter mantra puts it) “LAW AND ORDER!” 

Meanwhile, an increasing portion of Trump’s fanbase is being swept up into a bona fide psychotic delusion, the “QAnon” conspiracy theory, and another overlapping portion seems to have been convinced that Trump is, if not a Messiah himself, at least a divinely appointed and supported agent of imminent heavenly retribution.

And somewhere, in his watery grave beneath the Indian Ocean, Osama bin Laden is smirking.

Osama may not have planned it this way, exactly, but Donald Trump has become the final embodiment of his revenge.

You may recall how, in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, practically the entire world reached out to us with heartfelt support and sympathy – only to have George W. Bush sour the moment with his bellicose “you’re either with us or against us” rhetoric, and his administration’s insane insistence on the unjustified invasion of Iraq. Drumming up support for that little misadventure required the systematic demonization of its opponents, and the creation of alternative narratives that cast suspicion on the news media, rationality, and the evidence of one’s own senses.

Do you see the direct line from “We will be greeted as liberators” to “Soon this virus will just disappear”?

The 9/11 attacks struck a fatal blow to the very heart of our inflated self-image. We could have used the moment, and the years afterwards, to engage in some soul-searching, to seek some humility. But instead, to protect that image of ourselves, we collectively doubled down on our sense of exceptionalism and entitlement. 

In 2016, we opted for bluster and bombast. We chose to follow a charlatan, a carnival barker who promised to make us “great again.” 

If he is allowed to remain in the White House, Donald Trump will finish the job bin Laden began.

Open Letter to Trump re Election Day

Okay, Donald, I’ll make you a deal:

We can delay the election… under the following conditions:

1. You RETIRE FROM POLITICS immediately – resigning from your office AND from your re-election campaign. All adult members of your family pledge to withdraw from government participation.

2. Mike Pence, after being sworn in, nominates a Democrat for VP., and names a Cabinet of National Unity drawing from all sectors and parties.

3. All existing GOP & Dem leadership in the House and Senate resign their leadership positions, stepping aside for new leaders to emerge.

4. National Governors Association convenes a transpartisan panel, including independents and members of third parties, to examine election procedures nationwide and devise verifiable national standards, methodologies, etc. that enable all citizens to vote.easily, safely, and securely.

5. We amend the Constitution to put these procedures in place, and ditch the Electoral College.

How’s that for a start?